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Why Are Ghostwriters So Expensive?

Expensive ghostwriting services

People looking for a ghostwriter are often surprised that they don't come cheap. Anyone who has actually written a book is not surprised at all. It takes time, learned skills and very often a sprinkling of talent to create a project that hits all the right notes and that others will want to read. Even then, being the best writer imaginable is no guarantee of a publishing deal.

Given that the average price for a standard eighty thousand word ghostwritten novel starts at roughly $40,000, first time buyers might feel nervous about such a steep commitment. If those words ring true, keep reading to learn why hiring a ghostwriter can seem so expensive on the surface but is more than likely an absolute steal!

They Hand Over Credit And Royalties

Ghostwriters are rewarded financially because there are no other rewards! It's true that the process of writing a book can be rewarding in and of itself but we don't get to enjoy the results of our hard work in the form of professional credit or any potential royalties from a completed project. If a book we wrote is suddenly a New York Times bestseller, it will not be our name on the cover. That fantasy novel ghostwritten for a client is being made into a Netflix series? Yeah, the ghostwriter will see none of those media profits.

A ghostwriter that is confident in their skill set and understands the publishing industry has good reason to believe in their own ability to write and sell books. This is especially true of ghostwriters who already have a proven track record. Given the option of writing for ourselves and publishing our own work or writing for you as a client, it has to make financial sense for us to choose the latter. However much you believe your story is the next best thing, it is the ghostwriter that will make or break your creative vision. Choose wisely and pay them well!

Ghostwriting Is Full Time Work

The average ghostwritten novel takes around six to eight months to complete with full time commitment. It therefore makes sense that you need to be paying your ghostwriter a full time salary for the duration of the project. To get an idea of whether a ghostwriting quote is fair, ask yourself what salary you would be willing to accept over the course of six months as a highly skilled employee. Now consider what your budget is for a ghostwriter. Not quite in the same wage bracket? If you would not be happy working for below minimum wage on full time hours then neither are we! Not to mention that many writers have studied their craft at universities and in the field over many years to be deemed professional quality.

One of the reasons that ghostwriters are so expensive is because it takes time and commitment to write a book worth reading. There are occasionally exceptions to this rule. Ghostwriters starting out might be willing to work for a reduced fee in order to gain more experience but a general rule is to be cautious of any writer charging less than $20,000 for a full ghostwritten novel with non disclosure agreements. They either don't understand the process of writing a book or will deliver sub par work because they couldn't commit full time hours.

You may hear of writers who claim they can write a novel in record time. This is not to say it can't be done but the question to ask is: should it be done? Creating beautiful things takes time. If you want the best, you need to pay accordingly. With ghostwriters, you get what you pay for.

High quality ghostwriting services
"If you would not be happy to work full time hours for less than minimum wage then neither is the ghostwriter"

Ghostwriters Are Writing Chameleons

If you are paying a ghostwriter to write your book and you want your name on the cover, the writing also has to sound like your style or voice. Upon reading, it should not be detectable that your story has in fact been written by someone else. If you are writing a memoir for example, you will want the syntax and phrasing of your novel to reflect how you actually speak. When readers open your book, it should feel like they are getting to know you rather than your ghostwriter. This is the primary reason that non-fiction ghostwriters are often more expensive than fiction ghostwriters.

A concrete example of how ghostwriters can miss the mark can be seen in simple sentence structure. Your ghostwriter might be university educated and more articulate in their word choices which under normal circumstances is a great asset. Is this also true of you? Is your speech slow and deliberate? Do you have an accent? Do you commonly use slang or turns of phrase in everyday speech and do you trust your ghostwriter to capture the spirit of how you connect with others? Maybe your ghostwriter is from another part of the world whereas you are US born and raised. It might be a little disconcerting to read your own book and feel like you are reading about someone else's life. Experienced ghostwriters, no matter where they are from or how they were educated, understand this and will adjust and edit accordingly.

Ghostwriting Skills Are Considerable And Layered

It is always easier to write about yourself. Telling your own story means that you don't need to consciously think about capturing 'voice' or be attentive to linear timelines and a sequence of events. This is not true of the ghostwriter. They don't have the same immediate access to the inner thoughts and the points of view of their clients. Yet they are expected to write as though they do. The ghostwriter therefore relies on a plethora of honed skills and techniques that can help them immerse themselves in the subjective experiences of others. These skills include, but are not limited to:

  • Interpersonal skills with effective interview techniques

  • An active listening approach

  • Learning to how to ask the right questions to elicit key information

  • Consummate ability to outline and structure the progression and pacing of a story

  • Organised note taking

  • Writing the 'ordinary' as 'extraordinary.' (Real lives are not James Bond movies!)

  • Developing a unique writing style tailored to each individual client

  • Extensive research and gained expertise of particular topics pertaining to real life

These skills can take many years to develop and even then ghostwriters need to adjust their approach with each individual client. If you are paying a writer on an hourly basis, it is easy to see how the costs can add up over time. So much of ghostwriting actually happens outside of the writing itself. Many may even argue that the writing is the easiest part! Finally, ghostwriters are expected to pay attention to all these things, relay the facts with accuracy whilst writing something that is entertaining to read.

So yes, skilled jugglers require skilled pay.

ghostwriting portfolio secrets
"A ghostwriter relies on a plethora of honed skills and techniques that help them immerse themselves in the subjective experiences of others"

Ghostwriters Can't Build A Portfolio

A fully ghostwritten book should leave no trace to the original author. So what might a ghostwriter add to their resume in order to build a client base? This is one of the more risky aspects of being a ghostwriter. We are not only giving our time, we are also offering to leave gaps in our professional portfolios in order to complete your project. On paper, we are ghostwriters not only for the client but also in the professional sphere of our own lives.

Asking a person (not just ghostwriters) to go 'off grid' during a long term commitment project is a big ask. There needs to be considerable perks to agreeing to write in incognito mode. As we have already established we are not given credit or promise of royalties for any finished and published novel. What then might be a motivating factor for any ghostwriter to work on a project under such terms and conditions?

You've guessed it: $$$.

It Takes An Emotional Toll

Not every ghostwriting story is a happy one. There are many people who have had difficult lives and find the process of writing a memoir cathartic. The nature of ghostwriting means that the work is often intensive and intimate. A good ghostwriter will want to immerse themselves in the life of their client, absorbing major and minor details alike, walking in the subjective footsteps of their protagonist and generally getting very up close and personal. If you are dealing with a client who has had past trauma or who lives in difficult circumstances, this brings an extra burden to an already difficult task.

These kind of projects are often a make or break experience for ghostwriters starting out. Sometimes a beginners fee for a new ghostwriter is not worth the added mental strain of carrying someone else's harrowing story. For some writers, caring for their own mental health and happiness comes first and they prefer to write their own projects. Ghostwriters often have to take time to care for themselves without stretching their abilities too thin. Good mental health care is an essential aspect of a sustainable and fulfilling writing career and no amount of money can buy back inner peace. Keep that in mind if you are wanting to hire a ghostwriter. Are your expectations reasonable? Can you offer fair monetary compensation? Are you willing to risk hiring a beginner ghostwriter who may not commit to adequate research of a sensitive issue? As stated before, you get what you pay for.

Ghostwriters Are Talented!

Last but certainly not least, the reason you would choose a one ghostwriter over another is because most likely you saw their talent. A memoir is not just any story. It is your life condensed into a mere eighty thousand words. It is a legacy and message to the future about who you are and what happened while you were here. It is not a responsibility to hand over to just anyone.

If you don't have time or the skills to write your own novel, be selective about the person you choose to work with. For most people, they get one chance to try such a once in a lifetime project. It is especially true that when it comes to writing a novel there are no skipping corners. If you are going to it, do it right the first time. And do it well. All of which results in a working relationship that won't come cheap.

So Why Are Ghostwriters So Expensive?

A ghostwriter that is well paid and that feels appreciated will go out of their way to make an exceptional novel. A great working relationship is when everybody comes out of the situation feeling fulfilled and satisfied with smiles all round! There will always be writers who are willing to work for far less pay but that doesn't automatically make them the best choice. When on the hunt, lead with your heart first and only then with your wallet.

Look for proven skill, experience and a sophisticated writing style that adapts to each client. Most likely, a writer that fulfils all three will be asking for their worth in the form of a fair rate of pay.

Choose wisely. This is your legacy after all.

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